Monday, August 3, 2009

The Idea

Thomas Edison understood the importance of writing down his ideas. He always had a notebook (or ‘idea book’) on him in which he wrote down his thoughts, ideas and observations. This jotting down of ideas was something he got from Leonardo Da Vinci, who produced a large number of sketches, notes and scribbling, often written in left-handed mirror-writing.

Edison may not have used backwards or reversed writing-but one thing is clear, he did write. He jotted down an idea as soon as it came to him. Whenever he was stuck or lacked inspiration, he went back to his note-book to see if he could come up with any new ideas from the ones he had already written down. After Edison’s death in 1931, an amazing 3,500 notebooks were found in his home.

This book hopes to follow in the footsteps of Edison and Da Vinci and motivate you to write down all your ideas. Make sure you do! Jot your idea down even if you think it is a mediocre one. Who knows? Sometime in the future you may develop a couple of roughly-written thoughts into a brilliant idea!

Fredrik Haren