Saturday, January 31, 2009


You have two cows.
You sell one and buy a bull.
Your herd multiplies and the economy grows.
You sell them and retire on the income.


You have two cows.
You sell one and force the other to produce the milk of four cows.
You are surprised when the cow drops dead.


You have two cows.
You go on strike because you want three cows.


You have two cows.
You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary cow and
produce twenty times the milk.
You then create clever cow cartoon images called 'Cowkimon' and market them


You have two cows.
You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a month, and milk


You have two cows.
Both are mad.


You have two cows, but you don't know where they are.
You break for lunch..


You have 5,000 cows and none of which belong to you.
You charge others for storing them.


You have two cows.
You have 300 people milking them..
You claim full employment and high bovine productivity.
You have the newsman who reported on the numbers arrested.


You have two cows.
You worship them.


You have two cows.
You signed a 40-year contract to supply milk at RM0.06 per litre.
Then midway through, you raised the price to RM0.60 or you cut the supply.
When the buyer agrees to the new price, you change your mind again and now
want RM1.20.
The buyer decided you can keep the milk and they go look for milk that
comes from recycled cows or the cow urine instead.
Your two cows retire together with the Prime Minister.

And last but not least,


You have two cows.
One cow-peh and one cow-bu.



I had to pee and i was looking for the mens room. Then when i reached the toilet i realised there are two doors, but none indicate boys room leh. One seems to show girl wearing skirt, but the other one seems to be girl wearing jeans! ARHHH!!!!

But then i couldn't hold the pee in much longer so i went into the toilet with the sign of the girl wearing jeans since i was wearing jeans... Phew got no girls inside...

Somehow i saw other guys inside too. Hm, maybe they horny wan molest girl huh. Lucky girls all wear skirt never go inside. Hahaha =p


Thursday, January 29, 2009

Doggy Friendly Honda

Cani Jee
How do you like this car?

Guys are generous, girls are stingy. Why say this leh??

You see huh, before having baby, girl and boy will produce alot of things for reproduction right?? Well who produce more huh? Boys give millions of sperm, den girls so stingy only give ONE egg. STINGY ANOT!? humph.

Den you see huh, guy do so much work, den give tai tai wife so much money, den tai tai wife give nothing back. See, stingy right??

Ok la joking la. hahahahaa... =p nonsense le.

Everybody too busy take ang bao never come visit le. HOI! SPAM CHATBOX!!! @$#$(@#$!

Crazy nuts is not crazy enough. COME ON! TIME TO GO CRAZY! $!@)$!)@$*)!@*$)@!$*

Monday, January 26, 2009

Merry Christmas!




I mean early Christmas greeting

Cani jee

Mr Lame Here, Wishing You All A Happy Niu Year!

Happy 牛 Year!


Decode it yourself:
C: 财
R: 如
B: 步
The last one.... argh just give you ans la. 生意兴隆!

The answer is here, if you want. It's in white font... in case you really wanna guess.

Wishing everyone, COW 年快乐!


Miss Swan at Mcdonal


Sunday, January 25, 2009

Must Watch! super Hilarious

Funny Karate Master

Jim Carey Dame funny

Cani Jee

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Watch this video. It teaches you how to use english "properly".

Go Here!!

Rated PG.

Hahahahahhaa... Not for children. =p
Parental Guidance is required.

I din dare to post directly here cos... err.. u'll know after u watch..

And no, it's not disgusting like the meat grinder. =p

Hope you guys enjoy the english "lesson". Hahahahahaha

MythBusters beat fingerprint security system

Contrbuted by Joel Lim

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Interesting Muay thai Pole Fight

Self claim Deadly street fight Muahahhaha

Where is my head?

Pussy fight

Cani jee

Sometime spelling mistake can be quiet funny!


Cani Jee
'my mouth cannot close'


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

New Game check it out! Fun battle with the zombie

Spider Man!


Guan Ying Ma

Cani Jee

Sunday, January 18, 2009

He has funny videos. Search NigaHiga. =p

Edit: The top header has a darker shade of red for chinese new year now, because of some complaints of the red being too painful for the eyes.

Special Thanks to Felix lin

Friday, January 16, 2009

Special thanks to Mel

Is there a better way to express yourself??

Ar... My head!

Cani Jee
'Your Patronage is my motivation to write'

Read the subtitles and watch the video at the same time... hahahaha

Special thanks to En(Full name preferred not to be disclosed) for the vid. =p

'Wow he can write better then me'
Cani Jee

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Here is a puzzle for you

Imagine you are in Africa . You have been tied hanging on a tree with
a rope anchored on the ground, a candle is slowly burning the rope,
and the lion is waiting for you to drop and be his lunch.

Your survival hinges on the rope staying intact, there is no one
around to help you. What to do now ...........

write your answer before you scroll down....

Scroll down for answer...

Sing a Happy Birthday song


How do you feel?

Cani jee

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

ME:Hello folks hows your neighbour dog doing?

Despite the busy schedule of Daniel and Albert, we still make our best to post the most entertaining stuff to you guys, because of you YA you! without you this space here is meaning less

I would like to thanks Mr Lame for having such a contribution, making the sign board, effort posts and many more

YOU:HUH my Neighbour got No Dog

Basically Mr Lame and me has different degree of siaoness, his is more on casual siao siao my is focus on the offensive siao siao, how about yours? pls do give us your thoughts so that we can improve our self or best is that u can contribute also to the benefit of others ok?

Can't wait to contribute right??

ME:Then how do you feel?

In this moment i thank again for your patronage and wish you a advance Chinese new Year Ang Bao many many!


YOU:How i feel huh i feel ok lor!

ME:Who cares

ME: Blish* i am interested in Dogs ONLY

Lets increase the Siaonesss

Cani Jee

I was checking my email. and michael chan sent me an invite to this facebook group. Normally i'd just delete facebook group invites, but this group REALLY caught my eye. It's DAMN FUNNY. Read till the end, and if you're an architecture student, you'd seriously understand what it means and you'll seriously have a good laugh.

I know because i seriously laughed my ass out.

I don't need sex - the school of architecture fucks me all the time
Basic Info
Type: Common Interest - Activities
Description: If you are architecture students you've probably experienced:
-the taste of wood glue
-changes in your vocabulary: homework to project, ball to sphere, etc
-you don't understand how somebody can spend less than $20 at the supplies store
-you hate people telling you "go to sleep" or "do you still have a lot of work?"
-your friends and you don't have the same concept of work "oh, well do it right before class"
-you've slept more than 20 straight hours on weekends
-you can easily discuss with authority the effects of caffeine on different drinks
-no matter the effort you put in a project, somebody will always say “why don’t you add this�? or “why don’t you change this here�? or “i think that…but…yeah, its ok�?
-you’ve heard all your ipod songs in a week
-you aren’t seen in public without bags under your eyes
-whenever you get invited somewhere, it is followed by “or do you have a lot of homework?�?
-you’ll dance ymca with a choreography without a drop of alcohol in your system
-you write down a quick message with rapidographs, lead holders, markers and ink
-you constantly make up excuses for courses that are not design related why you didn’t do your work
-you have more pictures of landscapes and places than of people
-your worst nightmare consists of not finishing a project
-someone once called you “lazy�? and you wanted them murdered
-you can live without human contact, sunlight, food, but if your plotter’s ink runs out… chaos!!!
-when somebody lends you a Bic pen you look down at it
-you don’t care about sports cars, your favorite car is the one where you can put in your model and your huge computer
-you design spectacular things without the idea of the cost
-you have the modern mark: a blister in your palm’s hand for the constant use of your mouse
-everybody tells you how they admire your work, “but there is no money for it�?
-you’ve gained the ability to sleep in whatever surface: pencils, keyboards, backpacks, your studio mates, food, etc
-you always have the idea that your project will always be recognized
-when you finally have free time to go out you keep thinking “who was the idiot that designed the restaurant’s bathroom?�? “who designed this menu?�? or “who designed this [chair, table, lighting, fork, etc]�?
-you've been at many sunrises, yet you've never seen one
-you need to read all this in a facebook group to realize how weird your life is

Branko Stankovic & Jason McGee posted this... I thought it was awesome!

top 10 reasons why to date an architect

1. all night long, all night strong.
2. we are damn good with our hands.
3. if we can commit to chipboard, relationships should be easy.
4. you should see the things we errect.
5. use to doing things over and over again.
6. finishing early never happenes.
7. we know the true meaning of interpretation
8. creative positioning.
9. work well in groups
10. entry and passage are always exciting.

I am joining this group no doubt about it. LOL!


I've made a new greeting on top of the page, sorry it's a bit pixelated... But but but, still hope you all like it, and.... seriously. good luck on your quest for ang bao, dear reader. Hahahaha

Financial crisis will cause ang bao earning to shrink, however it doesnt mean you should not look forward to it! =)

Stay Positive, Be Happy.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Credits to Kromprimus.
To see more of his videos, visit his channel here:

To ma to ma.

To ma to.


Sunday, January 11, 2009


To play this game, click the Play button at the bottom of this page! =)

After winning i realised that i died at the last stage last night... zzz

Hi all, Daniel here..

Today i wanna talk abit about my project... Oh man boring.

This pic is a render of the combined living dining room of my residential unit. On the right is actually wooden doors to hide the kitchen... and behind the marble wall it is the bedroom... Yea yea everyone loves the television, not only you. Yes you the one who is reading this line right now...

This is the render for the bedroom. I know quite fake looking...

The owner of this residential unit was too poor to afford a real mattress for his plywood bed, so he bought an acrylic plastic one to sleep on... cheaper, and more durable. hahaha no lah just kidding.

Ah, my favourite. Albert told me that there was a contrast between the greyish, cold, hard space on the left, and the warm, orangy bedroom space on the right of the wall of marble. Then he said, "Looks like man and woman huh. No wonder u call this *censored* lah."

Lol. I said, ya, the left side duller space is man space, and the right side fiercer looking space is woman space. =p NO OFFENCE! JUST A JOKE! NOOOOO DUN KILL ME!

Then i added, ya, right side is crouching tiger, and left side is hidden dragon. This pic should be called crouching tiger hidden dragon. hahahaha

ok end le. BORING.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Tony Jaa prove that he can fight effectively Check this!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Performance by Mr Lame in class!

This is how hyper he always is!!

Now we know why people call him Mr Lame

Cani Jee
Oei Wu siao Bo?
'No porn No pork No smelly Underwear'

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Hello all, Daniel here....

Albert says i haven't posted for some time, so i guess i'll post immediately. =p

Few weeks ago i tried looking for I Believe I Can Fly, not knowing who the original singer is... Then I saw William Hung's name appear. In case anyone doesnt remember, William Hung got famous by singing his signature song "She Bangs", while waving his arms almost spastically in the air.

At first i thought, ARHH WILLIAM HUNG! Better not download, he sings quite horribly, no offence. But then cos i was curious, I downloaded anyway. And when i listened, i kinda laughed.. quite .. very hard... Especially when it reached the ending part. Here:

I Believe I Can Fly - William Hung

Also, currently i'm wearing a shirt that my sis bought for me few days back, when she came back from her thailand diving trip. I loved it because somehow it was true to a certain extent, but not all la. It's pretty funny, here it is:

Hope u enjoyed laughing. If you wanna gimme comments, or any crazy ideas you have, u can drop by at, this is my personal blog. =) Or you can also go to